Monday, 15 November 2010

Helen and Matt get Married

And so the day arrived. The last of the Parker's Road gang circa 2001 to walk up the aisle - a bit of history completed. Helen and I have been friends for about 10 years now. She was one of my bridesmaids and I was able to do her and Matt's photos.

A few of my favourite things:

1. The sense of family - both of these two have such a strong sense of family around them - this was evident not only on the day but also in their lives. The day provided guests with lots of opportunity to match up Helen's family with the many voices and stories that have always entertained over the years.

2. Cute kids - everywhere I turned there was a wide-eyed innocent cute-ing it up for the camera. Never has this happened in such abundance.

3. The beautiful crisp Autumnal day - gorgeous light - and No Rain!! Twas a bit sad that the glorious orange trees had shed all their leaves in the week before though. (Does anyone else think this years autumn leaves were especially bright?).

4. The blue shoes. Blue for Ipswich Town? Blue for "something blue"? Either way - I was loving a bit of non-wedding industry hidden away out of sight.

5. Seeing my Helsy get married! Woop.

Much much love you two.

All images ©KateCooperPhotography2010

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Matt and Helen Sneaky Peak

A sneaky peak from yesterdays "Princess Helen Day" or, when Matt married Helen.

All images ©KateCooperPhotography2011